What the White House can teach you about planning the perfect event.

Friday 04 October 2024
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What the White House can teach you about planning the perfect event.

I’m Lucía Arribas, founder of Solutions Prompteur. This summer, we had the opportunity to collaborate with the White House. During this event, I noticed a little trick this institution uses to look likes an exemplary technical provider at a glance.

This trick allows them to stand out when calling on technical service providers. The best part ? It’s something any event provider can imitate, and I’m sharing it with you here.


The rigor of the White House: a model of organization to imitate.

When the White House asked us to supply the prompter for the First Lady, they sent us a very detailed PDF document with technical specifications on three pages. From the exact height of the lectern to the font size (bold Arial), and a checklist of 19 points to be verified before the event, everything was anticipated.

This level of precision comes as no surprise at this point, but what always impresses is the rigor with which they approach every detail to ensure that everything is perfect. This not only gives you solid support, but also shows you that they truly appreciate the attention to detail with which you work.

They tell you they know your work, and they need you to excel in every detail.

As an event organizer or service provider, I can assure you that adopting such organization inspires a great deal of respect. When every detail is anticipated and clearly communicated, you show your customers that you’ve mastered your field. And in return, they trust you to guide them through the most sensitive aspects of their events, opening the door to future conversation.

Fluidity and spontaneity: the details that make all the difference

One of the things I like about working with the White House is their willingness to improve the fluidity of the First Lady’s speech, even if it was just a small adjustment. Even with years of experience, they’re always looking to perfect the smallest detail.

We suggested a number of strategies to improve fluency, spontaneity and comfort. They worked perfectly.

These little touches can turn a good speech into an excellent one that resonates more with the audience. If you offer your customers this finesse, they’ll feel more at ease when they speak (even if they don’t understand why) and associate that success with you.

It’s as simple as that.

Acknowledgement: a simple but powerful gesture to engage your service providers.

What also made the difference in this collaboration was the recognition from the White House after the event. On my birthday, they called to thank me and asked if they could incorporate our improvements into their documents for future events.

This kind of gesture, however simple, shows genuine appreciation for a well done job, and creates an even stronger bond between the teams. I’ve been lucky enough to work with the best, and I consider them exemplary.

Recognizing and valuing the work of our service providers creates a climate of trust and motivation, and reinforces the desire to go the extra mile to guarantee excellence in an event. It’s a dynamic that benefits everyone.


A secret within the reach of every event provider.

There’s something really pleasant about working with customers as organized and attentive as the White House. They recognize the importance of details, and this allows us to provide that little “extra” that makes all the difference.

When everyone’s on the same wavelength, magic operates and remarkable results are achieved.

What’s even more satisfying is that this approach, this rigor and this attention to detail are not reserved for an elite. In fact, White House strategy is within everyone’s reach.

If you want to give the impression of being a seasoned event provider at first glance, simply adopt this approach to the best of your ability, to show your whole team that you expect perfection in your events.


PS: I hope you found this publication useful. I only publish 25% of this information on the web. If you’re part of the events world, I privately share the tips I’ve observed among the most sought-after event managers in France (and on the planet) after more than 20 years of working with many of them. This information is free of charge, and will help you avoid many coordination errors during an event, thus increasing your prestige.

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