Prompter Operator School 0%

Since when do Mondays worry you?

Solutions Prompteur - Lucia Arribas V.EN

I'm Lucía Arribas, and I turn people who want to ditch unstable or monotonous jobs (which suck up their energy...) into highly sought after technicians for live events..

All this without having to go to university..

And I say this so clearly because many of them work with me.

These professionals end up working on the front line but in full discretion. They are the main people in charge of their work and able to keep everything under their control.

The curious thing is that few of them have a ‘pure’ technical profile..

They have other subtle qualities that are far more important.

They go to concerts,
Netflix series shootings,
to the theatre,
car shows and video games events...

Sure, this life isn’t for those who want to spend all day in front of a computer..

But if you’re looking for the big picture and want to know whether this new opportunity could be right for you* or not, get on my mailing list for full details..

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* Subscribers will be given preference for enquiries and quotations.

Before I talk about the qualities you need to become an extraordinary professional operator who gets a kick from your job, I’d like to tell you something:

Perhaps you think that the world of teleprompters can't be as stimulating...

It’s normal, it’s a little-known world.

But after more than 20 years here …

  • I’ve worked in over 35 different countries, so it’s almost impossible to count the number of cities I’ve visited..
  • I’ve had access toprivate concerts that are inaccessible to the general public, like the one Charles Aznavour gave just one story below Putin’s bureau in the Kremlin..
  • I worked face to face with Barack Obama.
  • I took part in the victory of the city of Paris for the organisation of the 2024 Olympic Games in Lima (Peru), along with the French Olympic delegation..
  • … and today most CAC 40 (Top French listed companies) directors call on my services.

One reason…?


School-0-solutions-prompteur V.EN

I’ve developed a technical know-how and personal skills that have enabled me to become a specialist with a 0% error rate. A 0% error rate is the standard level of work quality that my clients expect.

0% is the error rate I teach.

Achieving this has become my obsession as we work very closely with prestigious corporate VIPs.

And that’s why, at the 0% School, I can’t accept just anyone..

So if you’re interested in knowing your options…

I've prepared a short test to assess whether you have the potential to be up for the job.

It doesn’t matter whether you know the business or not, this test is one measuring your knowledge. It measures your demeanour.

It only takes 5 minutes, is completely anonymous and private and only you will know the result..

Those taking the test often have the following characteristics :

✔ They don't see themselves in their current job for the long term: either because it bores them, or because it seems superficial..

✔ They are not prepared to invest years of their lives at university (and other years in internships) to work in front of a stage.

✔ They have studied literature or languages.

✔ They are looking for a serious and progressive job, without sacrificing a life rich in experience.

✔ They prefer to observe rather than be observed.

✔ They have an artistic passion, they just want to devote some of their time to work... and working in the entertainment world would kill two birds with one stone.

✔ Their mother or father has an exotic surname (I'll explain why in the e-mail).

✔ On the professional side, they want an exciting day-to-day life. On the personal side, they want to maintain their lifestyle.

I'll send you the test straight away to the e-mail address you provide

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You can use the unsubscribe link integrated into the list at any time.
Learn more about managing your data and your rights.

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If you want to know the details that made me the most sought-after teleprompter operator in France, here is my story.

Lucia Arribas signature